
I write about software engineering, life experiences, and my fitness journey.

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A few handcrafted articles about my thoughts and experiments.

Mastering Fibonacci - A Guide to Solving Fibonacci Series Using Modern JavaScript (ES6+)
Mastering Fibonacci - A Guide to Solving Fibonacci Series Using Modern JavaScript (ES6+)
Explore three methods to solve the Fibonacci series using modern JavaScript (ES6+) iterative, recursive, and memoization. Learn the pros and cons of each approach, and enhance your problem-solving skills with arrow functions, destructuring assignment, and ternary operators.
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Mastering Merge Intervals - A Comprehensive Guide to Combining Overlapping Intervals
Mastering Merge Intervals - A Comprehensive Guide to Combining Overlapping Intervals
Learn how to solve the merge intervals problem, a common coding challenge that combines overlapping intervals in a set. Discover the step-by-step approach using Python, and explore real-world applications, such as calendar systems, resource allocation, and bioinformatics.
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Mastering the Maximum Subarray Problem - Find the Contiguous Subarray with the Largest Sum
Mastering the Maximum Subarray Problem - Find the Contiguous Subarray with the Largest Sum
Dive into the maximum subarray problem, a popular coding challenge that involves finding the contiguous subarray with the largest sum. Learn the efficient Kadane's algorithm, its Python implementation, and how dynamic programming techniques can improve your problem-solving skills.
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The Art of Problem Solving - 5 Key Tips for Aspiring Coding Divas
Discover 5 essential tips for aspiring coding divas to excel in the world of programming
Learn how to tackle coding challenges by understanding problems, planning your approach, writing clean code, testing thoroughly, and learning from mistakes.
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Beginner's Guide to Establishing a Workout Routine - Tips for a Successful Fitness Journey
Beginner's Guide to Establishing a Workout Routine - Tips for a Successful Fitness Journey
Discover essential tips for beginners starting a workout routine, including setting goals, developing a balanced exercise plan, and staying consistent. Learn how to lay a solid foundation for long-term fitness success, even without professional experience in the field.
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Boost Your Coding Efficiency with Tips & Tricks
Boost Your Coding Efficiency with Tips & Tricks
Discover coding hacks, tips, and tricks that can help you become a more efficient programmer. Learn about keyboard shortcuts, code snippets, and more to elevate your coding skills.
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